The Flying Citadel

Help Keywords : 'The Flying Citadel'.
Help Category : Goals.
Related Helps : Goals, Goal Solving.
Last Updated  : 2016-08-26 19:19:20.

Since the beginning of time, the forces of light and dark have battled. Many 
years have passed and no one is quite sure why anymore. The light side blames
the dark for their evil ways and uncaring attitudes. The dark side blames the
light for their easy going, happy-go-lucky ways. Only one person can truly
sort all this out. Malcrom has been trying to determine who is truly to blame 
for centuries. All he lacks are the stories from each side, but he is stuck in
the clouds and cannot retrieve the stories from each. Once he gets both 
sides of the story, surely he will be able to figure out who started it all.

Level Range         : 50 to 70
Goal Difficulty     : Easy
Goal Recommended at : 70
Goal Converter      : Alixana
Area Author         : Jakalair

Area added Mar 23, 2003.

The AardWiki has maps of the area here:
