
Help Keywords : Shaman.
Help Category : Classes.
Related Helps : Classes.
Last Updated  : 2023-11-13 10:13:25.
-[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]=-=[+]=-=[   SHAMAN SUBCLASS   ]=-=[+]=-=[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]-

   A Shaman shares the power of an ancient tradition: the
   love of land, sea and sky. Shamans harness the power
   of nature to assist their friends, smite their enemies,
   and even bring new life to entire lands.

   Special skills/spells available to characters with the
   shaman subclass:

   Totem guidance     Summon life
   Gaias focus        Gaias totem
   Totem force        Gaias fury

   Note:  Shaman is a subclass of Ranger.
