 Help Category : Races.
 Last Updated  : 2009-10-23 13:20:00.
 -[*]=--=]=--=[*]=--=[=--=[ AARDWOLF RACES ]=--=]=--=[*]=--=[=--=[*]-
 Little is known of the Ethereal race that roams Aardwolf, hence they
 are collectively known as 'shadows'. Since their ethereal form makes them
 particularly weak when matched against other races their constitution is
 limited. Although shadows are more naturally suited to pure spellcasting
 classes, their ability to pass all non-warded doors and their low utilization
 of energy while exploring makes them very competent thieves. They have an
 innate resistance to shadow and vulnerability to light, but air attacks are
 also effective against them.

                         STR  INT WIS  DEX CON LUCK
 Shadow Start Stats   :   10   15  16   14  12   17
 Training Costs       :   +1    0  -1    0  +1   -1

 Permanent Affects    : Pass door.
 Permanent Skills     : Flying, Shadow form.

 NOTE: Stats are very important on Aardwolf. See 'help train' and 'help
       raceinfo' for information on max stats and the training costs.