Help Keywords : RACESRANGER.
Help Category : Races.
Related Helps : Classes.
Last Updated  : 2011-07-29 12:08:19.
~-[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]=--=[+]=--=[ AARDWOLF RACES ]=--=[+]=--=[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]- 

Suggested Races for Ranger:

Centaur  : Half-human, half-horse - a fearsome and strong beast.
Diva     : Mother Earth's own beings, closely tied to nature.
Dwarf    : Short, stocky folk with well balanced attributes.
Eldar    : Mysterious ancient race, masters of magic and lore.
Lizardman: Lizard crossbreeds with exceptional strength and wisdom.
Ratling  : Cunning ratlike humanoids comfortable in the outdoors.
Triton   : Warriors born and bred in the world's oceans.

Other races available: Dark elf, Elf, Giant, Half-Grif, Halfling, Human,
                       Quickling, Shadow, Sprite, Troll, Vampire, Wolfen

More details on each race are available by typing 'help <racename>'