 Help Keywords : QSPELLS.
 Help Category : Miscellaneous.
 Related Helps : Allspells, Practice, Spells, Showskill.
 Last Updated  : 2008-04-16 16:53:46.
 Syntax: qspells (<from level> <to level>) (<filter> | <minprac> <maxprac>)
         qspells all

 The qspells command is used to display a list of spell names defined 
 by the filters passed to the command.  Spell names are listed in order 
 of level. The 'qspells' command is basically the 'spells' command, but 
 only displays the spell names, making it perfect for scripts.  Adding a
 second set of numbers will only show spells currently practiced to the
 percent listed- e.g., 'qspells 1 99 50 100' will show all spells under
 level 100 with at least 50% practiced.

 The 'qspells' command has several options to allow you to filter the list,
 displaying only certain spell types.  See 'help skills' for a list of