Psionic Blast

Help Keywords : 'Psionic Blast'.
Help Category : Attack Spell.
Related Helps : Inflict Pain, Mind Thrust, Psychic Crush, Ultrablast.
Last Updated : 2017-08-26 10:21:29.
Syntax: cast 'psionic blast' <target>
Damage: energy
Spell Number: 129
Skilled psionicists may choose to forego the mental anguish that some of their other powers may cause, and instead directly excite the molecules in the brain, causing large amounts of damage.

This is one of several attack disciplines a young Psionicist will learn. In order of increasing damage, they are:

Mind Thrust / Inflict Pain / Psychic Crush / Ultrablast / Psionic Blast

Primary stat: Wisdom, Intelligence.
Affected by : None.