
Help Keywords : Practice.
Help Category : Utility.
Related Helps : Learned, Showskill, Train.
Last Updated : 2016-04-28 17:48:01.
Syntax: practice
practice <skill|spell name>
practice <skill|spell name> full
Practice with no argument displays your current skill percentages. It also displays the spell number (Sn - see 'help cast'), any skillspell modifiers from equipment, and the minimum level to use the skill. To see all learned skills/spells, not just those which are able to be practiced, see 'help learned'.

The more common use for the practice command is to gain proficiency in your skills and spells. Your abilities can only be practiced at trainers such as the guildmasters in Aylor. See 'help find' for a quick way to local guildmasters in Aylor. Other trainers also exist, especially within public areas of clan halls, though there is no way to directly determine what may or may not be a trainer.

Skills that are newly learned start at 1%. Practicing a skill/spell will increase the percentage, up to a maximum of 85%, or 95% with the Scholar wish - see 'help wish'. The amount gained from each practice session will vary, based upon the skill/spell and your Intelligence. Using the 'full' option will use as many practice sessions as necessary to fully practice a skill, or adding 'full check' will show how many practice sessions that will cost.

For example:
practice immolate full check
It will cost you 3 practices to increase immolate to 85%.
You have 21 practice sessions available.
Unused practices are saved until remort/tier. Practiced skills/spells are reset to 1% upon tier, and usually upon rebuild (see 'help rebuild').

Casting spells / using skills are the only way to increase their practiced amounts beyond 85/95%. Note that the practiced percentage of a skill/spell is only the chance to use it successfully (not lose concentration, etc.); whether the skill/spell succeeds in what you intended it to do is based upon the specific ability.

Spells/skills that are considered nofail (see 'help nofail') will not lose concentration or miss. Instead, these skills use the practiced percentage to determine the amount of damage dealt. This percentage may increase past 100%.

Racial skills/spells will work at a specific percentage, but will increase above that level through use if the skill is learned. For example, if a vampire's untrained Intimidate skill is 60%, a vampire mage will be able to use intimidate at that 60% level. A vampire warrior who just gained the intimidate skill has it at 1% practiced, but will use it at the effective racial level of 60%. If the skill is practiced to 75%, it will then be used at the higher 75% practiced level.

You can convert training sessions to practices and vice versa using the 'train' command in your guild. See 'help train'.