
Help Keywords : Nottingham.
Help Category : Goals.
Related Helps : Goals, Goal Solving.
Last Updated  : 2016-08-27 12:32:53.

Robin Hood and his Merry Band of Outlaws aren't quite so merry.  Maid 
Marion has been captured by the Sheriff and is languishing in his dungeon.
Try as they may, they have been unable to get her released or rescued. 
Things look bleak indeed.

...Unless there is a brave soul who might like to help?  Defeat the 
Sheriff, rescue the damsel- all those things that sound like an old legend.
Might you be the one to do this?  Chances are there will be a reward... 
unless you're one of those rich folks that oppress the needy!

Nottingham, where things are as simple as they seem.  Or maybe not.

Level Range         : 190 to 201
Goal Difficulty     : Medium
Goal Recommended at : 190
Goal Min Level      : 190
Goal Max Level      : 201
Goal Converter      : Ariel
Area Author         : Zendalonii

Area added March 3, 2002.

The AardWiki has maps of the area here:
