
Help Keywords : Nosummon Autonosum.
Help Category : Config.
Related Helps : Autolist, Summon.
Last Updated  : 2020-09-12 14:48:31.
Syntax:  nosummon 
         autonosum  [ on | off ]

These commands toggle how summon and gate/doorway spells work on your
character.  If nosummon is on, you will not be able to be summoned or gated
to by other players.  To allow them to gate to/summon you, type 'nosummon'.

You will be able to be summoned any time 'nosummon' is off.  'autonosum' will
immediately turn nosummon on after you have been summoned.  This is useful to
prevent you from forgetting and being summoned again by the same or a
different person.

Immortals may go to or transfer you as needed, regardless of your nosummon