
Help Keywords : Nocurse.
Help Category : Config.
Related Helps : Channels, Channel Rules, Policies1, Shelp.
Last Updated  : 2008-11-30 11:48:09.
Syntax:  See below.

The curse channel is a general chat channel available at level 5.  Profane
language is allowed on this channel, unlike most other global chat channels
and other places on the MUD (which, for the most part, asks for a PG-13
rating to be used).  While foul language is accepted on this and other
curse-flagged channels, direct personal attacks are not.

A handful of channels have been set to allow profane language.  There is a
'nocurse' toggle; if off, this will show whether cursing is permitted on a
channel when it is turned on.  Language on clan, friend, and group channels
are up to the discretion of the players involved.  These channels all allow
curse-only socials by default.

Some socials are curse-only, and will only work on curse and other 
'curse-ok' channels.  This will be displayed in 'shelp <social>' (see 'help

See 'help channels' for a list of functions that can be used on this