New Guide-Leveling

Help Keywords : NewGuide-Leveling.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Mobdeaths, Alignment, Areas, Leveling, Superhero, Powerup, Remort, Tier.
Last Updated  : 2017-06-16 16:29:13.
Aardwolf Newbie Guide: Leveling

Aardwolf is divided into ten tiers (0-9), each consisting of seven 'morts'
(mortal reincarnations) of your character. You begin each tier as a single
class, level from 1-200, pay to 'Superhero' (reach level 201, see 'help
superhero'), then remort by selecting an additional class (see 'help
remort'), or you may choose to get more powerful at Hero/SH and
powerup or 'pup' (see 'help powerup'). After obtaining all seven classes
in the tier, reaching Superhero again will enable you to retier and begin
the process again with some additional perks (see 'help tier'). Many 
players choose to wait to pup until they have obtained all seven classes 
for their current tier.

Alignment: Your alignment plays an essential role with experience
gained. The more extreme your alignment is opposing your target's
alignment, the higher the potential experience gain.

Level: The higher your target's level is (in respect to your own), the
higher your potential experience gain for each kill. To determine the 
level of  your opponent and get an idea of how tough they are, use the 
'consider' command (see 'help consider'). The 'lastkills' command is also 
useful if you'd like to see the level ranges of your recently killed mobs.

Areas: For a list of all the areas on Aardwolf use the 'areas'
command. To find the most popular leveling mobs, use the 'mobdeaths'
command. To make the search more relevant, define a level range and the
alignment of the mob you want to kill (opposite of your own). For example,
a level 10, good aligned player might try 'mobdeaths 10 25 evil'.

Spellups: We have a built in, very useful, automated 'spellup' command.
It handles both skills and spells available to you with your class(es).
It's worth checking out 'help spellup'.

Potions: Commonly referred to as 'pots', for more efficient leveling,
it would be wise to keep a stock of healing potions and mana potions or
refresh (move) potions, closest available to your level (heal potions are
strongest at level 60). For starters check out our Potions shop in Aylor.
From anywhere in Aylor, you can 'runto potions'. There are various other
potions available to you with benefit. If you can't fly, you'll find the
fly potion there useful. If you can't see an enemy, you'll want to make
use of the detect hidden and detect invis potions. Using the 'potsearch'
command can be handy when finding where potions are sold, so you can
'potsearch detect invis' in order to find the name and area of that