New Guide-Aylor

Help Keywords : NewGuide-Aylor.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Runto, Runprefix, Find.
Last Updated  : 2017-06-16 12:29:15.
Aardwolf Newbie Guide: Aylor

Exploring the City of Aardwolf
Aylor is the largest city in the world of Andolor. It has many key features
that will be important to you in your adventures, including 'recall'
(Andolor's central point) and the Aylorian Temple of Ivar (where Aylor's
Priestess offers various services- type 'heal' north of recall). There's
also Aylor's bustling marketplace with many shops, eateries, breweries
and much more. It's worth taking a stroll.

Runto & Runprefix
One of the many great tools to get you started exploring in the world of
Andolor is the 'runto' command. Aardwolf has built in speedwalks to its
areas, so that using 'runto <area keyword>' will take you to the desired
destination. For example: To get to the area Land of Legend, use 'runto
legend'. Runto only works from recall by default; however, you can
establish a 'runprefix' that will execute prior to any runto command. Such
as to always 'recall' before the runto speedwalk so that 'runto' will work
from every recallable room. Runto also works in conjunction with the
keywords for the locations in 'find all'. For more information on runto,
see 'help runto' and 'help runprefix'.

Find list
While in Aylor or the Academy, the 'find' command will assist you in
finding directions to locations within both Aylor and the Academy. Typing
'find list' or 'find all' will display all available locations. You can 
either simply 'runto <location keyword>', or the command 'find <location 
keyword>' will yield the directions starting from your current location -
i.e. to find the directions to Aeleron's Alchemy Supplies (Aylor's potion
shop), you should 'find potions' or to locate the Economy Lesson, you would 
use 'find economy', or just 'runto potions', or 'runto economy'. More 
detailed information about the 'find' command can be found under 'help 

Class Towers
You may only access the tower of your primary class. For example, a mage 
can only 'runto mage' in the City of Aylor.