Nanjiki Ruins

Help Keywords : 'Nanjiki Ruins'.
Help Category : Goals.
Related Helps : Goals, Goal Solving.
Last Updated  : 2016-08-27 12:30:53.

Deep in the heart of the Amazonian rain forest lies an ancient ruin, 
ravaged by the winds of time. It is said that a once powerful race dwelled 
there, before some event felled their civilisation and regressed its 
members to a much more primitive form. Not much is known about when or 
why - some say a spell gone catastrophically wrong, others theorize a 
virulent plague. 

One thing is for sure though, rumours are starting to spread about 
endless riches and treasures found hidden in the ruins, and the explorers 
and looters have started to flock in search of the ancient civilisation's 
wonders. Not much is to be found above the surface, but some have dared 
to venture beneath, where strange creatures teem.

Might you be the one with the luck and pluck, to discover the secrets 

Level Range         : 140 to 160
Goal Difficulty     : Medium
Goal Recommended at : Level 160
Goal Converter      : Redryn
Area Author         : Kahr

Area added August 12, 2002.

The AardWiki has maps of the area here:
