Help Keywords : LOCK UNLOCK.
Help Category : Miscellaneous.
Related Helps : Open, Pass Door, Pick.
Last Updated  : 2014-06-28 18:33:47.
Syntax: lock   <object|direction>
Syntax: unlock <object|direction>

The 'lock' and 'unlock' commands do just that; they lock and unlock doors
and containers.  Obviously, a key is required.. though what that key may be
is not always obvious.

Unlocking a door or container does not open it.  Also, opposite sides of a
door do not necessarily use the same key.

When an area resets, the doors in it will also reset to their original 
states. In addition, when you log out of the MUD, any keys that you are 
carrying will be lost. Some doors are just too hard to pick, and must 
have the key.