
Help Keywords : Ifilter.
Help Category : Equipment.
Related Helps : Inventory, Market, Invsort.
Last Updated : 2018-02-12 20:00:35.
Syntax: market filter <option(s)> | lbid -f <option(s)>

         inv filter <option(s)>

'ifilter' is not a command, but rather a generic name for filter options that are applied towards inventory and/or market search results. To use these options, use 'market filter <option>' or 'lbid -f <options>' when searching market items and 'inv filter <option>' for inventory filtering.

Filters for both market and inventory

[min] ([max]) Restrict level range of items. Maximum optional.

<wear-flag> Shows items with a specific wear location (neck, wrist,

                 etc.; see 'help wearable').

<type> Show only items of a specific item type (weapon, armor,

                 portal, etc.; see 'help eq-types' for a list).

<stat> Show only items that modify a particular stat. Available

                 options are Str, int, wis, con, dex, luck, hp, mana, move,
                 hitroll, damroll.

precious Shows only items with the precious flag (usually quest

                 equipment and trivia items; see 'help object flags').

special Shows 'special' always loot items such as poker cards and

                 Aarchaeology pieces.

bonus Shows 'bonus' loot items. Will only work on items loaded

                 from this point forward (February 11, 2018).

Filters for 'market filter' only

[qp|tp|gold] Displays auctions selling for given currency.

showcase Lists only showcase items.

closing Lists items with three hours or less left in lauction.

mine Shows items you are selling as well as items where you

                 currently have highest bid.

outbid If you bid on an item and were outbid (and the item is

                 still on the market), it will be listed here.

clanitem Shows all items from clan areas (closed or open).

Filters for 'inv filter' only

nosave Displays items that won't save when quitting (see 'help


timed Shows any items with an affect or rot timer.

kept/unkept Shows items with/without kept flag (see 'help keep').

cursed Shows nodrop/noremove items (see 'help object flags').

looted Shows items looted. Once the items are shown, the 'looted'

                 flag is cleared. This makes it possible to only display 
                 items looted since the last time this command was used. 
                 This only works when you autoloot an item.

These filters may be combined, but only one wear-location and/or item type filter may be used at a time; for example, 'inv filter 1 100 neck' or 'market filter showcase weapon clanitem'.