Help Category : Races.
Related Helps : Races.
Last Updated  : 2009-10-23 00:22:52.
-[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]=--=[+]=--=[ AARDWOLF RACES ]=--=[+]=--=[*]=--=[+]=--=[*]-
Halflings are relatives of Dwarves. They are a short, agile folk who love
nothing better then to sit in front of a warm hearth in their warrens.
Mind you, this does not make them lazy; they are, in fact, hard working and
take quite well to the adventuring life.  They can be very sneaky and
quick-fingered when the need arises and thus make good thieves.  Due to
their closeness in relation to Dwarves they have trouble with magic much
like the dwarves do. Halflings, with their keen eyesight, can often detect
hidden things quite easily. Halflings have been known to show great mental
fortitude and are not as easily swayed by mental attacks as other races.

                         STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON LUCK
Halfling Start Stats   :  12   13   14   14   14   17
Training Costs         :  +1   +1    0   -1    0   -1

Permanent Affects      : Detect hidden.
Permanent Skills       : None.

NOTE: Stats are very important on Aardwolf. See 'help train' and 'help
      raceinfo' for information on max stats and the training costs.