
Help Keywords : CM-EQ-Info.
Help Category : Clan Equipment.
Related Helps : EQ-Index.
Last Updated  : 2023-01-24 17:38:49.
Clan Equipment: General Information

Current:  EQ-Index -> EQ-Info

The following rules and specifications apply generally to all Clan EQ.

-When submitting a clan upgrade, please include in the recipient list all
current clan leaders.

- The keywords cannot include a player's name.  The keywords, short desc,
extra desc, and long desc cannot contain any inappropriate words or
phrases, or extended characters.  If a player's name is used in the short,
long, or extra desc, permission must be given by that player.

- Short and long desc may be no longer than 50 and 80 characters
respectively, INCLUDING color codes.

- The keywords of an object cannot contain JUST a number as a keyword.  A
keyword of '151leg' or '(151)' is ok, but '151' is not.  There must be a
keyword from the short description AND from the long description.  There is
a limit of 5 keywords allowed on an item (including the short/long
description keywords, but the same keyword can be used to fulfill both

Objects cannot be created that have descriptions that duplicate a
clan's maze guards.

The keywords may sometimes be referred to as the name of the item.
The short desc is what you see when you are wearing or using the item.
The long desc is what you see when the item is on the ground.
The extra desc is what you see when you examine an object.
(See 'help strings' for more information.)

- EQ cannot be reset in to a room, it can only be sold from shopkeepers.
- Fountains, furniture, portals, and fires are the only objects that can
be reset in to rooms.
- Clan equipment resets may only be removed if there has not been an
attempted raid on your clan in the last 2 weeks. A clan may still rotate
out their equipment.
- Tier equipment resets can NEVER be removed.
- Tier equipment may not have undesirable flags.  No limit for closed
or open shop equipment.

-Imms need to add the searchable flag to any new open clan equipment so
that it can be called up with the eqsearch and potsearch commands (this
includes armor, weapons, potions, scrolls, wands, staves, lights and

The following costs apply to all object types:

Change type/level/affects/wear slot: Cost of the item as if it were new.
Add or remove a flag: 'help eq-flags'
Change/Add Extra Desc: 1mil gold
Change the material: 1mil gold
Change keywords/short desc/long desc: 1mil gold for all or any.
Change weight: 500k gold per weight point. [Armor Type Only]

All reset costs listed in the guide are the cost to add and remove a reset.

Any upgrade corrections must be made within 48 hours of upgrade completion.
After 48 hours, standard costs to change equipment apply.  Because of the
unique flag, existing copies are not modified; they may be kept if legal,
but must be destroyed if illegal.  There is no reimbursement.

For additional restrictions on spells within clan objects, refer to 'help

PK clans may use public hall object vnums within the main hall as
private equipment.  This only works one way- main hall vnums can't be used
in the public hall.

PLEASE NOTE: Use of the equipment generator is mandatory.  This is found
at http://build.aardwolf.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=379&Itemid=298

When submitting upgrade notes, please make one note per item. This gives
us less of a chance to make mistakes or if life interferes another imm
can pick up where we left off, with less waiting time for your eq to be
put in.
