
Help Keywords : CM-EQ-Armorbase.
Help Category : Clan Equipment.
Related Helps : EQ-Index, EQ-Single, EQ-Dual.
Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 18:45:47.
Clan Equipment: Armor Base Points

Current:  EQ-Index -> EQ-ArmorBase

The following table describes point allocation for single and dual wear
clan equipment. For MAX values, 'help EQ-Single' and 'help EQ-Dual'.

        Single Worn Armor          |           Dual Worn Armor
       -------------------         |          -----------------
Level      Max Total    New Base   |   Level      Max Total    New Base      
            Points        Cost     |               Points        Cost     
1             1           4.15     |  1              1           4.15          
6             2           4.7      |  16             2           5.7
16            3           5.75     |  26             3           6.75
26            4           6.8      |  41             4           8.3
41            6           8.4      |  56             5           9.85  
56            7           9.95     |  71             6          11.4  
71            8          11.5      |  91             7          13.45
81            9          12.55     |  101            8          14.5
91           10          13.6      |  111            9          15.55
101          11          14.65     |  121           10          16.6
111          12          15.7      |  131           12          17.7
121          14          16.8      |  141           13          18.75
131          16          17.9      |  151           15          19.85 
141          18          19        |  161           16          20.9
151          20          20.1      |  171           18          22
161          22          21.2      |  181           19          23.05
171          24          22.3      |  196           21          24.65
181          26          23.4      |  200           22          25.1
196          28          25        |  210           23          26.15
200          30          25.5      |  220           24          27.2
211          32          26.7      |  230           26          28.3
216          33          27.25     |  240           27          29.35
225          36          28.3      |  250           28          30.4
241          39          30.05     |  260           30          31.5
255          43          31.65     |  270           31          32.55
271          47          33.45     |  280           32          33.6
286          51          35.15     |  290           33          34.65


Armor is costed with the above base costs plus the costs for flags and extra
stats ('help EQ-Flags', 'help EQ-ExtraStat').  These costs are the same as
the old costs, they combine the old costs for reset, base cost, points
cost, and level cost.