
Help Keywords : Dice.
Help Category : Miscellaneous.
Last Updated : 2017-08-05 20:36:13.
Syntax: dice <number of dice> <number of sides per die>
Many random elements factor into all facets of the game. One method for keeping these semi-random, yet still within reason, is to use virtual dice rolls. These are often represented as XdY, or 'roll a die with Y sides X times, and find a total'- 1d4 means one roll of a 4-sided die, giving a result between 1 and 4. 2d10 means two rolls of 10-sided dice, giving an end result between 2 and 20.

The dice command is available for people who want to play real life dice games with other people. For example, 'dice 5 6' could be used to play yacht games.

If you are using 5 dice or less, you will see the results of the individual die rolls along with the total of all dice (this will not occur when using the dice command on a channel, such as 'gossip *dice 5 4'). If you are using more than 5 dice, you will only see the total.