
Help Keywords : Destroy.
Help Category : Equipment.
Related Helps : Sacrifice.
Last Updated : 2019-03-02 12:23:45.
Syntax: destroy <object name> : Destroy an owned item on the ground.
destroy all : Destroy all self owned items on the ground.
destroy item "inv" : Destroy an item in your inventory.
During your travels, you may come across items and abilities that have an ownership flag (see 'help ownership'). These items are usually valuable, and as such, may not be sacrificed away. The 'destroy' command is used to completely remove owned items you no longer wish to keep. The command does NOT work on quest items or special trivia items. You must unkeep items before you can destroy them.

To destroy an item in your inventory add the 'inv' option. For example, 'destroy sword inv' will attempt to destroy the first sword item in your inventory. All destroy options require the 'confirm' argument to be added.

You may also use the syntax 'destroy all', which will remove any items on the ground that are owned by you.

Warning: Destroy is logged. Any owned items accidentally lost in this way will NOT be restored.