
Help Keywords : Desecration.
Help Category : Enhancement.
Related Helps : Sanctuary.
Last Updated : 2017-08-05 10:16:51.
Syntax: cast desecration
Spell Number: 567
A harmer may use the darker side of holy magic to surround him/herself with an aura of dread. The power of this aura is so great that it will interfere with the protective qualities of a white aura of sanctuary, reducing (or when fighting monsters, with high enough wisdom, completely ignoring) the amount of damage prevented by the sanctuary effect.

While monsters may have the sanctuary effect completely negated, Desecration will not completely eliminate the effect of sanctuary in PvP combat. The target's constitution will reduce the impact of this ability, but it will not be negated.

The recovery time when casting desecration reduces as the harmer's wisdom and luck increase.

Skill Available Only: Subclass Harmer
Primary Stat: Wisdom, Luck.