Combat Maze

 Help Keywords : 'Combat Maze' Cmaze.
 Help Category : Features.
 Related Helps : Duel, PK, Warfare.
 Last Updated  : 2017-07-27 10:05:24.

 The Combat Maze is a place where you can take out your aggression on other
 players without the worry of war costs, death penalties, or restrictions
 on potions, spellups, or other tactics.

 A large multi-room combat maze is located up from the Entrance to the Arena
 of Doom that is found in the southeast corner of Fairdeal Alley.  Clans may 
 also set up combat mazes within their public halls.  You can identify a 
 room flagged as combat maze by the large red CMAZE flag that shows after 
 the room name and in the 'exits' command.  

 It is illegal to purposely lead someone into a combat maze or any other PK
 situation (see 'help policies4'); however, if you have wandered into such a
 place on your own, you are free game for anyone else that wanders in, so
 beware!  If you are looking for a private challenge against another player,
 see 'help duel'.