
 Help Keywords : Clantalk.
 Help Category : Communication.
 Related Helps : Channels, Clan.
 Last Updated  : 2017-07-22 09:29:34.
 Syntax: clantalk <message>
         ct <message>

 All players have access to their clan's chat channel once they join a clan.
 This is only visible to other players within the same clan.  Toggling this
 channel on/off will also toggle whether you see clan donations and

 Outcasts and Loners do not get clan channels.  Leaving a clan removes your
 access to that clan's channel.

 'ct' is a shortcut for clantalk.

 Each clan has individual rules on what is/is not acceptable on the clantalk
 channel; consult your clan's leaders or other members for details.  See 'help
 channels' for a list of functions that can be used on this channel.