
Help Keywords : RAID-Bounty.
Help Category : Clans.
Related Helps : Clans, PK.
Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 17:54:46.

    bounty <player>
    bounty <player> <amt>
    bounty all


Type 'bounty all' for a list of all players online with a bounty.
Type 'bounty <player>' to show the amount of the bounty on a player's head.
Type 'bounty <player> <amt>' to increase the bounty on a player's head.


A clan member that has been caught attempting to raid another clan earns a
(RAIDER) flag- not for the raiding, for the getting caught!

While a character is flagged as a raider, anyone (even unclanned or same-
clanned players) can set a bounty through the syntax 'bounty <player>
<amount>'.  This amount takes the specified amount from the player using
the command and either starts the bounty, or adds to it if the target
already has an existing bounty.  'bounty <playername>' shows a specific
player's bounty, and 'bounty all' will show all players with bounties on
their heads.

Once set, a bounty remains until the target is killed by another clanned
player. The bounty does not expire when the raider flag does, nor is it
removed if killed by a monster.  Should any player kill a (RAIDER) who
has a bounty, that player collects the bounty immediately upon the
(RAIDER)'s death.