
 Help Keywords : Alignment.
 Help Category : Information.
 Related Helps : Auras, Score, Whois, Object Flags, Mobdeaths.
 Last Updated  : 2017-08-04 09:34:38.
 Syntax: align   : See your current alignment.

 Your alignment is an indication of how well or badly you have morally
 conducted yourself in the game. It ranges numerically, from -2500 (evil) to
 2500 (good). At a very broad level, the alignment ranges are:

      875 to 2500  : Good
      874 to -874  : Neutral
     -875 to -2500 : Evil

 You can see your own alignment by typing 'score', 'align', or adding it to 
 your prompt.

 Generally, if you kill good-aligned mobs, you will gravitate towards evil,
 and vice versa.  You will get more experience for killing mobs of a
 different alignment- the more extreme the difference, the better.  Neutral
 players will get less experience than highly good/evil players, but the
 trade-off is they have a wider selection of mobs to kill.  

 Some divine spells may also cleanse you or taint you towards good or evil
 with use.  Other spells may not work as well (or even not work at all)
 unless you are the appropriate alignment.  This particularly holds true for
 many paladin spells, since the paladin is considered a holy (or unholy)
 warrior out to destroy those of the opposing alignment.

 Alignment may also be used to restrict wearing certain items; for example,
 an item with an anti-evil flag (see 'help object flags') may not be worn
 if the player's current alignment falls in the 'evil' range of -875 or
 lower.  Equipping an item and then changing to that alignment will not do
 anything to the equipment, but if the item is unequipped, it will not be
 able to be re-equipped until back in the appropriate alignment range.

 Alignment does not play a factor in player-vs-player combat.  Protective
 spells (protection good/evil affect) do not offer any reduction to damage.

 Though there's no way to tell an exact alignment, you can determine whether
 mobs are good, neutral, or evil through 'detect good' and 'detect evil' spells,
 or by using good/evil as an argument to the mobdeaths command (see 'help