
 Help Keywords : Abomination.
 Help Category : Attack Spell.
 Related Helps : Soul Rip.
 Last Updated  : 2017-08-18 19:54:40.

 Syntax: cast abomination <target>
 Damage: mental
 Spell Number: 404

 Calling upon knowledge of the Other Worlds, Abomination calls forth the Grim
 Reaper himself. As this visage is thrust upon the foe, their blood runs
 ice-cold in their veins, their mind stretching and snapping back against
 itself in fear. As their eyes and ears start to bleed from the torture, they
 descend into darkness at the touch of the harvester's scythe. This spell
 affects only a single target.

 Primary Stat: Intelligence, Constitution.
 Affected by: Luck.
