
Hello New Adventurer, and Welcome to Aardwolf!

This guide will serve you as a quick reference to the information and the
starting tips for new Aardwolf players. First, we strongly recommend going
through our state of the art academy. Feel free to explore it a bit before
enlisting. If you choose not to go through the Academy, you are welcome
to do so at anytime - the classes are not level locked.

Many experienced Aardwolf players devote their time to aiding those new to
the game. Helpers and advisors are available to you until the level of 51
or 200 hours on newbie channel. Simply type 'newbie message' to access
helpers, advisors, and other players.

Aardwolf has extensive help files built into the game. Typing help <topic>
will bring up help files that you may be interested in. Still can't find
what you are looking for? Try typing help search <topic> for a list of
helpfiles that have that key word in it.

Useful helpfiles for new players:

Help academy-faq *A Quick Index academy related helpfiles.

Help quest *Useful commands about the pesky questor!

Help mobdeaths *Looking for things to kill? Read this!

Help goal solving *Stuck on a goal? This might help!

Help runto *Find your way around! No more running speedwalks!

Help find *The easiest way to find shops in Aylor.

Help subclass *More details on Aardwolf's subclasses.

Continued on "read page2"...
Page Two

A few other things for you to consider.

The beauty in Aardwolf is that you can play however you want to play. We
typically suggest questing every thirty minutes, but if you find a quest
that is extremely challenging, it's perfectly fine to fail it. Take a
[[campaign]] to learn about other areas that may appeal to you. If you like
goals, there are plenty to do... start off with an easier one (Amusement
Park, Orchard) and work yourself up to the more challenging ones.

As far as stats go... common perception when first starting is to train
all your stats until they start costing more than one train. After that
focus on the primary stats for your class. It is not recommended to use
your trains for hitpoints, mana or moves - check out [[help maxstats]] -
until you have fully trained all your other stats at a hero level.

Equipment is always tricky. Our helper/advisor team recommends looking at
two websites:
1) - is a player-run equipment database but some
of it can be outdated or wrong as it is player-run.
2) - shows only clan gear, which can be rather
expensive. It is worth noting that many clans have invisible gear, so be
sure you can see invis before going shopping.
Other helpful websites can be found in [[help www]]. 

You have taken the first step in a long journey with Aardwolf and we
welcome you. Please feel free to ask any helper, advisor, or immortal for
additional information. We are here to guide you throughout your

Welcome home.

(:help newhelp:)