Prosper Island

 Creator: Lumina (original by Maerchyng)
 Level Range: 100-125
 Repop Message: As if in protest, an island volcano rumbles belligerently.


 Free Humbert's people! (Designer: Phraeaxes and Lumina)

The ship of the witch Sycorax, brimming full of hapless people enslaved by her evil spells, has cast anchor near Prosper's Island. Plans are underfoot to invade the island, for who knows what purpose. And yet, there is one aboard the evil witch's ship, who has emerged from the witch's control, and seeks help to vanquish her. His name is Humbert, and he needs your help.

              Level Range                       : 100 - 125
              Goal Difficulty                   : Easy
              Recommended Goal Level            : 110



Found within Storm Ships of Lem-Dagor.

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