Enhanced UTF8 Maps / Aardwolf Mushclient r1802 Lasher, August 2, 2014August 2, 2014 Aardwolf Mushclient r1802 / Enhanced Maps There have been some Mushclient enhancements made by Fiendish and Nick Gammon (the Mushclient author) to support UTF8 characters for map drawing. These maps provide a cleaner look then the ASCII maps. Here is a full map of Aylor in UTF8: Grand City of Aylor – UTF8 Map Some random map snippets from various areas: Random Lasertag Maze Part of Eternal Autumn area Part of Sho’aram, Castle in the Sand Finally, a randomly generated maze where the edges wrap to give the impression of an “endless” maze. Looking at this view it’s easy enough to see the pattern, but not on the limited regular 3*3 view: Endless Random Maze Downloading the new client: The latest “official” Aardwolf version of the client can be download from: http://www.aardwolf.com/play/downloadmc.htm The official Mushclient home is: http://www.mushclient.com/mushclient/mushclient.htm There are instructions on that page for how to preserve your maps and settings from previous versions of Mushclient. There are also notes on how to stay up to date with changes as Fiendish adds them – we don’t post every version to Aardwolf.com. Important notes specific to the UTF8 maps You have to use a font that supports UTF8. Dina does not. Lucida console and Courier New do. You do not need to turn on UTF8 in the Mushclient settings unless you are also echoing the map to your main window. If you do enable it, keep an eye out for possibly trigger issues as there as some changes to allow UTF8 for the mapper but still allow regular extended characters everywhere else. There are a few different options to the maps and a version that does double line characters. Type ‘maptype’ for a full list of options. The client download defaults to courier new size 9 for the ASCII map because it’s sized for a smaller screen. Lucida Console size 10 works well for me, but right click on the map to try different font-sizes. You can also change maptype there too. Many thanks to Fiendish and Nick for the client side work needed to support these maps in the client. PS: Cmud and Zmud do not support UTF8 characters. Nothing we can do about that as neither client is being actively maintained. MUD News
Aardwolf MUD Marketplace – Long Term Auction January 10, 2010 The Aardwolf Marketplace – Long Term Auction: The Aardwolf Marketplace was added today. This is a special version of auction with items being listed for several days and saving over reboots. The full helpfile is included below: Overview The ‘Aardwolf Marketplace’ is similar to auction but has a number of… Read More
Mud Update March 31st 2018 September 2, 2018 MUD Update – March 31st 2018: The main reason for the reboot today was to merge Dominion into Retribution. A few other minor changes that made it in with the reboot but nothing really that important: The bug with OPK flag sometimes getting confused with the Augmented healing recovery should… Read More
Mud Clients – 256 Xterm Color Mode April 17, 2011 Syntax : xterm – Turn 256 color mode on/off. color 256 – See a table of the colors. color raw256 – See table of colors with no mud parsing. Aardwolf now supports Xterm 256 color mode. Whether or not you can see Xterm 256 color depends on your client. See… Read More