The Uprising Area, skills and spells changes, more. Lasher, August 10, 2014 The Uprising – New Level 120 to 160 Area and Goal: There is a city of dark elves that exists deep underground. For centuries, this city has been ruled by the female dark elves, and generally left alone by explorers, since dark elves are famous for their lack of kind treatment toward outsiders. Recently, the male dark elves decided to take over the city from the females. Their allies, the cyclopses and the cerejellums, took many female dark elves prisoner, and the city now sits in a state of ruin. The dark elf high priestess is looking for someone to help her rescue the other female dark elves from the cyclopses and cerejellums. Then, the female dark elves will need assistance in reasserting their power within the city. The goddess of the dark elves is always watching and will handsomely reward a strong adventurer who is successful in aiding her followers. Level Range : 120 to 160 Goal Difficulty : Difficult Goal Recommended at : Level 160 Goal Converter : Korridel & Guinness Area Author : Korridel & Guinness Notes: As a warning, starting this goal makes completion of quests and campaigns within this area more difficult. Further to this, single class warriors and rangers will require assistance from other players if they need to complete certain quests or campaigns within this area while working on the goal (if they do not yet have access to their level 201 skills). Other Game Enhancements / Bug fixes this reboot: Most of the changes this time around are about viewing damage types in skills/spells and some of the more recent ideas board posts: It is now possible to filter spells and skills based on damage type. For example ‘spells fire’ or ‘skills bash’ will show spells that do fire damage and skills that do bash damage respectively. There are some skills and spells that aren’t so easily explained – these have the type ‘special’ listed and a new helpfile ‘help specialdam’ gives more details. Old idea but credit Unforgiven for the format. When using ‘spells combat’, ‘skills combat’ or ‘allspells combat’ the damage type will now be shown next to it. Same with using any of the new damage type filters. When using ‘showskill’ on a skill or spell that has the damage type set, that damage type will now be shown. Using ‘double hist’ will show up to the last 50 instances of double exp once the data builds up. It does save over reboots. You can also use ‘double hist [search]’ to filter only instances where the reason or th tarted by field matches your search. Using ‘lbid’ will now show the market item number just below the identify. Useful to save you having to remember what item # you were looking at if you want to bid. When using ‘market list’ or ‘lbid’ in the default format, a red @R*@w will now show next to the current highest bid if you have the highest bid (Alcor). ‘Help market’ is hardly an easy read so I added ‘help lbidformat’ for someone just looking to understand what each column means and what the ‘*’ symbols next to some fiels mean. When someone freezes themselves and uses some big number like 99999 hours, I will usually undo it after they have been frozen for at least 6 months. Based on that, the max number of hours you can now freeze yourself for is 4400 which is around 6 months. An imm can still freeze you for longer (Starling, ironically). Freeze itself now requires the ‘confirm’ option rather than repeating the command. This is less prone to error with clients that keep input on the command line. Will get around to other commands that confirm the old way eventually. Having someone on ignore will now block you from seeing their says, emotes, socials on others and smotes. When using Necrocide, Strike Undead and Blast Undead against undead targets, the damage type used is the targets highest vulnerability or lowest resistance. This makes it a very high damage spell but impossible to plan masteries around. The mastery used by these spells will now be the higher of the players mastery in ‘negative’ or the damtype the spell is using. Remember that zombify is zero lag and these spells fall back to a ‘regular’ damage spell when used against targets that are not undead, so there’s no downside to using them. Necrocide itself was doing mental damage when it should have been negative, also fixed. You can no longer setwanted yourself. I know people can just get a friend to do it but at least having to give them the tokens adds a little friction to the process and carries additional cost. Using the ‘masteries’ command with no arguments will now show the total qp and gold available for masteries. This will either be your qp / gold available from the ‘worth’ command, or those numbers plus any amounts your have deposited for masteries from a previous rebuild. Made similar changes to ‘instinct’ and ‘potential’ when used with no arguments. The ‘spellup’ option can now be used with the ‘allspells’ command. Fixed a bug in furniture where you could rest on one item then sleep on another without first standing. Cure poison was showing a generic ‘lose concentration’ message when it was cast successfully but failed to actually cure the poison. Now fixed. MUD News
New Subclass Abilities for Martyr, Enchanter and Oracle. January 15, 2010 Martyr Spell – Serenity A martyr is able to create an aura of serenity around their entire group for a short period of time. This aura is so calming that an enraged attacker will find their anger is ineffective against the target. This spell will not affect berserkers in the… Read More
Aardwolf Marketplace – Proxy Bidding / Auction Buyouts January 24, 2013 Two major enhancements were added to the Aardwolf marketplace today: Auction buyout amounts: The ability to set a buyout price when listing an item. To set a buyout amount on an item, use the syntax: ‘market sell [item] [type] buyout [buyout amount]’ For example: market sell sword gold buyout 5000000… Read More
The Witches of Omen Tor and Black Rose Goals June 6, 2011 The Witches of Omen Tor: Four witches rule the land of Omen Tor. They are sisters, born of the same omnipotent mother, Aethel, who released them upon the world at the beginning of time. Omen Tor is a land of many facets, influenced by each of the witches in ways… Read More