Disenchant / Radiance Woods / Other Updates Lasher, December 19, 2015 Disenchant Feature: Items that have solidify, illuminate or resonate cast on them after this reboot will have the stats the came from each enchant stored on the item. Using this data, there is a new ‘disenchant’ feature that allows you to remove a specific enchant on an item to try again. The first time each spell is removed from an item, it can be done by an enchanter free of charge. Any removal after that costs 3 trivia points. If the first disenchant is done by someone other than an enchanter the command will warn you but still allow it with the confirm option. The identify spell / command shows the enchants and, for each one, shows whether it can be removed with TP only or free of charge by an enchanter. The syntax for this command is ‘disenchant [item] [spell]’. Using this command will show an abbreviated identify screen and the bottom section will show the cost. Repeating the command with ‘confirm’ will do the actual disenchant. I strongly recommend that you use the first command to make absolutely sure you are disenchanting the right item at the right cost rather than using ‘confirm’ to begin. The disenchant command does include the toggling of flags necessary to try again. For example, removing solidify will remove the solidified flag and also put invis back on the item. Removing illuminate will remove the illuminate flag and remove glow so the spell can be cast again. If the items added by an enchant have since been removed (failed enchant armor etc) then disenchant is not possible and the stored enchant data will be removed. There was some controversy around this command on the test port. Some feel it will make max enchants too easy and kill motivation to run epics once everyone has max gear, others think it’s still too expensive. We can always experiment with settings and prices as necessary. Having this code in place also lets us tweak enchants without worrying about “breaking” existing equipment. If I improve solidify next week then solidify only can be removed and recast. Unfortunate that on this specific change existing items WILL get left behind but it’s been many years since a change was made where you couldn’t just upgrade. Continue using what you have which will work exactly the same as it did yesterday, or get new gear to min/max every last stat. Not to imply there’s anything wrong with that btw, I play that way too, it’s just not going to be “free” this time. All kinds of possibilities open up with the code behind this, looking forward to building on it. Radiance Woods Area: During low tide, the dense trees of Blake Forest give way to a relatively unknown place called Radiance Woods. The magic once sealing off the woods from outsiders has been lifted. The wood nymphs and faeries that live here are welcoming. The timing, however, is not a coincidence: the shadows have corrupted the woods and they are desperate to save their home. Years ago, life in the woods was vastly different. The village thrived and families loved to visit the forest. Travelers from near and far came to view the manor and participate in annual festivities that took place as spring turned into summer. It has been just over a century since a stranger found their way into the woods. Over time, fact turned into fiction, and the faeries and wood nymphs of Radiance Woods became nothing more than a fable to enjoy before bedtime. As more shadow faeries take up residence, the corruption spreads and diseases those within. Radiant faeries are falling sick and turning towards the shadows. The trees are beginning to perish, animals are acting bizarre, and the protection spell that keeps out the darkness is succumbing to the corruption. In an effort to reclaim their home, the nymphs have removed the magic isolating the woods to outsiders and have sent word they need assistance. Queen Aevintyri can not save the woods without help from an outsider. Will you be the one to stop the shadows? If you consider yourself intelligent, brave, and loyal, seek out the lovely witch, Luama. Level Range : 200-201 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 200 Goal Converter : Shaelynne Area Author : Shaelynne Game changes this reboot: Radiance Woods is new area by Shaelynne for level 201. It does also have a goal. You can get a feel for the story and goal using ‘help radiance’. Definitely recommend you turn on room descriptions for this one. As a reminder, ‘brief 0’ to always seem room descs or ‘brief 1’ to only see room descriptions in a room you haven’t already explored. Increased the base chance of Illuminate, Solidify and Resonate to add any stat at all. With 100 luck for example it was previous only around 10%, it’s now 35% and scales higher with luck. Doesn’t ever reach 100% though, that’s where Enchanter’s Focus comes in. Note that this has nothing to do with how many stats are added, only the chance to get any stats at all. I have multiplied the costs and prizes on the Aardwolf lottery by 10. This means that a ticket costs 10,000 gold and the minimum jackpot is 40,000,000 gold. If all tickets get sold (rarely happens), the jackpot would be 400 million. This does not affect rollover counts but the new jackpot does apply to the next draw so any tickets already on hand are included. Using ‘who from’, ‘who www’ and ‘who afkmsg’ will no longer include players who do not have that field set. (Fantomex) was last note I read on this, feel like it has been posted before, sorry if I should have given credit to someone else. The Level field in rankings has been increased to 6 characters. This should include rankings commands, metarank and ‘toprank’. Let me know of any places missed. MUD News
Aardwolf Mushclient – r397 April 3, 2011April 3, 2011 A new release of the Aardwolf Mushclient package has been uploaded to the website. Major changes in this release are: Xterm 256 color support. Players can now reliably replace movement between connected rooms (like opening doors) with custom exits in the gmcp mapper. Cleaned up gmcp mapper help. Added some… Read More
Aardwolf Area Updates – Oct 26th 2009. October 26, 2009 New Area and Goal – Warrior’s Training Camp: Warrior: One who lives for combat and the thrill of battle. Warriors! You are cordially invited to become students of the Warrior’s Training Camp (WTC). Registration is required. The camp offers classes in every type of weapon used by an accomplished warrior…. Read More
Using telnet negotiation to control MUD / Client Interaction. July 10, 2008July 10, 2008 If you have been following this blog, you already know that we have been working on a custom version of Mushclient for Aardwolf with plugins pre-installed. As the work on the first version comes to a close, it has been a great learning experience on both sides – several improvements… Read More