Warrior class changes, new goal, clan merge, Lasher, September 6, 2014 Barbarian / Berserker Subclass Merge: This is the first round of a number of changes coming to Warrior subclasses: The Berserker and Barbarian subclasses have merged into Barbarian. All combined Berseker and Barbarian skills are now part of the Barbarian class but Enrage and Ironfist cannot be used together. Everyone who was formerly a Berserker is now a Barbarian and has also had any subclass timer removed. Berserker and Barbarian were the two classes that least needed help in terms of abilities, but make the most sense because their themes are so alike. We recommend waiting before jumping into other subclasses if you are a warrior as there are some new abilities on the way (soon) for Soldier and Blacksmith. Insanity no longer checks for the ‘Rage’ recovery and can be used fine on top of enrage. You could already insanity then enrage after so this is really more cleanup than anything, although it does make it easier to keep insanity up all the time. The ‘Hammerforge’ Blacksmith skill is now level 1 so a Blacksmith can forge weapons into hammers at any level. The Blacksmith subclass has a new command called ‘reforge’ that will allow them to revert a weapon originally forged into a hammer back to its original type. This will only work with weapons forged into a hammer after this reboot, with one exception. If an Aardweapon is type ‘hammer’ but was forged before this reboot (before the previous weapon type is stored), a Blacksmith can forge it back to its original type when first purchased from questor. For example, if a ‘Sword of Aardwolf’ was changed to Dagger with trivia points, then changed to a Hammer, using reforge will change it back to a Sword, the original type. If the item was forged to a hammer after this reboot, it will go back to its actual previous type of Dagger. The ‘reforge’ command requires a confirm option. Using it without confirm will show the type the weapon will be set back to so you can tell the difference. Clan Merge: The Order of Light and The Lost Rogues have merged and the members of both clans are now in Light. If you haven’t read it for a while, the ‘help clanmerge’ file contains full info for any clans considering merging or disbanding. New Goal: The Swordbreakers Hoard What was it that sapped the warmth from the sun and left our once verdant lands a frozen, barren wasteland? No one truly knows though some say it was punishment from the gods for no longer respecting the old ways and rituals. Others claim the sun is simply dying, keeping the last of its failing heat to itself and leaving our world to perish. Finally, there are those that speak in hushed tones, whispering rumours of a mad ruler in a far away land, who, consumed by terrible greed, struck a dark pact with the foulest of demons. It is said that this fiend plucked out the very burning heart of the sun and sealed it within a gemstone, transforming what was once owned by none but sustained us all into nothing more than a trinket – a play-thing for the most covetous of kings. Truly, the why of it matters little when our tribe faces its very extinction in this icy tomb that is now the surface world. And so our leaders came together and made the hardest of decisions, to leave behind our homes and homeland, and set out across the snowbound tundra. It was an exodus born of both desperation and a most dire necessity, and we all knew well, as we began our journey northward, what fate awaited many in our numbers. Some were lost through exposure to the unelenting cold; some were taken by the ravenous beasts that shadowed us across the Demaria Plains, only leaving us as we began our ascent into the Megara Range; and some, driven to exhaustion by our arduous march, meager rations, and even the monotony of the glacial landscape, simply lay down and waited to die. At last we reached the foot of Tbir Mountain, a dormant volcano inhabited by a clan of secretive dwarves. It is said that they have tunneled out a great city within and then mined still deeper, down to the volcano’s very core, and in doing so unearthed unimaginable riches. It is with these mysterious dwarves, who are but strangers to us, that we place the last of our hope. We pray that they receive us with charity in their hearts, refuge in their homes and warm meals from their hearths. Level Range : 5 to 50 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended Level : 10 Goal Converter : Trepid Area Author : Aardwolf Community Builders MUD News
Aardwolf MUD Update – 27th May 2009. May 28, 2009 After a couple of months absence caused by a perfect storm of real life issues, things are moving again. Sorry it has been so long since the last upgrade, but we’re past that now. The main change in this reboot was some behind the scenes code to allow area keywords… Read More
PK changes, Corpse Retrievals, Friend Lists, others. June 5, 2010 Game changes in this update: The main changes in this update are the extra information on friend list, free corpse retrievals, options to remove pk grace period/half exp. A large number of other changes and bug fixes also made, see the detail below. Training Costs: The max you can train… Read More
New: Oracle, Hunter, Crafter, Shaman and Avenger Abilities August 23, 2008August 23, 2008 Subclass skills and spells Several new subclass abilities were added this week. Details below: Necromancer: The spells ‘Strike undead‘ and ‘Blast undead‘ are like lower level versions of necrocide – they will always target the mobs lowest resistance and only work against undead. Avenger: The Avenger class has a new… Read More