Friend list changes, Quit Check, Other Updates. Lasher, January 15, 2011 New Friend List Options: There is a new ‘nofriend‘ command that will prevent others from friending you. This does not apply if they are already on your friend list and are just adding you back. New Syntax ‘friend reject [person] [reason]’ will remove someone from your friend wannabe list and give them a reason. The reason why is optional. Nothing to prevent them just re-adding you but if that becomes a problem you can ‘ignore’ them. Other Game Updates: Using ‘quit check’ will now show all items that you cannot save with and the reason why. For example (Fake test items): [200] (Clanonly) - Rune Stone of Athenas' Might [ 0] (Key) - an important-looking key [ 15] (Raided) - Icequake [ 1] (Nosave) - an Aylorian Sword Just using ‘quit’ will also warn, as it used to do with items too high level. There is a new ‘attack’ filter for skills – it lists skills/spells that cause you to have an additional attack compared to if you didn’t have the skill/spells. This includes the obvious ‘attack’ skills plus haste and lightspeed. Did not add enhanced damage/scorpion sting – they don’t cause attacks, they just increase them. Same with weapon skills. There is a new ‘passive’ filter for skills – it lists skills/spells that work automatically. There is a new object flag called ‘iskey’ that flags an item as a key even if it is not type key. The only affect of this flag is that the item will be picked up by keyloot, it does not affect loading/saving etc. Will leave it up to builders whether or not they want to add this to their own areas, but recommending that special imm items such as scrabble pieces start to include it. If you try to invite someone into a group who is already in a different group, they will now receive a message like ‘Lasher tried to invite you to join group: kill all mortals!’ Potential buy will show the cost of the next point after each buy. Runto ‘ft2’ will now also work for ftii (Salvanas). Using ‘Runto Deaths’ (no apostrophe) will also work for Deaths Manor. I basically added the ability for an area to have a second keyword used for ‘runto’ only, so if there are others that could really use this please post them. GMCP Changes: GMCP Channels will now show player name for most chats. It generally will not show it for information about the player rather than their actual communication – for example, login/logoff, auction messages etc are not tagged with player name. When a player is no longer in a group a slightly different GMCP message will now be sent – the group name will be empty and a “reason” field will show why (Mrykul). For example: group { "groupname": "", "reason": "quit" } If you have been using the test version of the plugin Fiendish made for monitoring a group, this will crash it until a fix is made. GMCP base info now includes tier. Bug Fixes: Earthquake and Lightning Strike messages will no longer appear while in note write. (Escobar). As a reminder, nospam also turns off these messages completely. The ‘learned’ command is supposed to show skills you have practiced as much as you can with their percentage in red. This had been adjusted to 85 percent even for people without the new wish. Should be fixed now. Level 200s were getting the ‘can take another campaign’ message even though they can’t – this doesn’t kick in until level 201. MUD News
PK changes, Corpse Retrievals, Friend Lists, others. June 5, 2010 Game changes in this update: The main changes in this update are the extra information on friend list, free corpse retrievals, options to remove pk grace period/half exp. A large number of other changes and bug fixes also made, see the detail below. Training Costs: The max you can train… Read More
Saves equipment upgrade. October 12, 2015 Equipment upgrade for “Saves” Stat: TL,DR: If you have equipment with saves, use ‘savesupgrade [item]’ to replace the saves with random stats or resists. See below for a way to try again if you don’t like the stats. Focusing on fully removing saves from the game. Saves have now been… Read More
An Auspicious Star’s Zenith area and new goal in Sanctity of Eternal Damnation. February 17, 2024 New Superhero Area – An Auspicious Star’s Zenith: Note: You can only enter this area if you have less than 25,000 powerups total. Innocent souls have been ensnared within this mystical realm by mischievous faeries. Trapped within the bodies of birds, their untapped potentials are being held captive by the… Read More