Superhero stats and other changes. Lasher, September 23, 2018 Removal of ‘rebuild trains / simplification of rebuild and superhero process: We have removed the ‘rebuild trains’ mechanic from the game. When you rebuild or class change, all stats will now be available for instinct. Any trains you had that were ‘rebuild trains’ before this reboot are now also available for instinct. Reason for removing the mechanic is that it’s overly complex and really hard to understand for newer players, and many older ones at times too. The downside to making this change is people can rebuild right before they SH to get their trains on hand back before stat restore, so I guess everyone now gets bonus trains per redo / remort. Rather than leaving this is as a hidden mechanic only existing players will have the benefit of, I have changed Superhero so that it will automatically do a rebuild and add the trains to your total when stats from the previous remort are restored. The superhero command now has a ‘norebuild’ option for if you don’t want this to happen although I can’t think of too many reasons you wouldn’t want it. Because of this automatic rebuild, superhero no longer give an actual free rebuild on stat restore. Other changes in this update: When a non-primary class spellcaster is using staves, there is now a limit on how many targets can be hit. This does also affect Rangers and Paladins, but their limit is higher. The same change has been made to AOE spells. When the spells belongs to the primary class casting, such as ‘Ice Storm’ with Ranger or ‘Wrath of God’ with Paladin then the limit does not apply. When object bonuses are rolled, resists will be randomly more weighted towards whichever one is chosen first rather than completely random. Stats already work this way and makes the items more useful for people focusing on one damage type or stat. The way the code works there’s plenty of chances for more distributed resists too. Using ‘channels curse’ will now act as a filter to show only channels where cursing is allowed. When using the ‘lastkills’ command, the output will now show the total exp received as before but also the base experience from the mob before any bonuses were applied. It is no longer possible to strangle a Ninja, applies to both players and mobs. The ‘Precision’ skill will now only work against dodges that the warrior knows innately when fighting other players – this means dodge, parry and shield block. It is unchangd vs mobs. (Castiel) I know subclasses need a lot of work. Not going to promise some big sudden overhaul but will try to focus on more steady changes on the long march to fill them out. There are quite a few subclass changes already coded for the next reboot including at least a couple of new skills, but I want to do more testing before putting them in. We have turned off mob name scrambling in gquests and campaigns so any newly generated campaigns / global quests from this point forward will not have scrambled mob names. It served a purpose for a while but it’s time to move on from this. The drop-off in Hammerswing damage now starts at 3 mobs instead of 4 and increases slightly faster. The effect of being ‘dazed’ has always been much higher on spells than on skills (50% vs 30% or so). I have lowered this so that skills and spells are affected the same. The Illuminate spell has been modified so it no is no longer blocked by a (GLOW) flag when cast by an Enchanter. The spell is only blocked if the item has already previously been illuminated. It will still set the Glow flag if none is present. Trying this out on this one and depending how it goes may do the same for Resonate and Solidify. Minor changes and fixes: Increased the width of mob names in the ‘mobdeaths’ and ‘mobkills’ commands. Fixed a null message when trying to unlock a door that cannot be unlocked because there is no key defined, presumably put there to require people to use pass door for a shortcut. If you had info clanonly on then outcast with it turned on it was impossible to turn it off because you’re no longer in a clan. This is now fixed. Goal info was not being displayed for any player if you had clanonly or friendonly filters set for info goals. Should by fixed now. Fixed some ‘weirdness’ in missing damage output in very large epic groups. Nobody probably noticed anyway as I doubt many people have groupspam on, but fixed now. Fixed a bug in rebuild that showed the wrong amount under ‘Charging {amount} trains’. It charged correctly, just showed the wrong number. MUD News
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