Avenger / Inquisitor Merge. Lasher, February 12, 2017 Avenger / Inquisitor Merge: The Inquisitor and Avenger classes have been merged with all of the subclass skills of the two combined onto Avenger. If you were an Inquisitor before this reboot then you should have received a note explaining the change. If you were an Avenger before the reboot then you gained: Flay, Lash, Interrogate and Tortured Visions Be sure to read the helps on these and if you just got these skills for the first time you will need to practice them. If you were an inquisitor then any percent practiced in these should have carried over but you will need to practice Righteous Anger. Holy Reprisal – New Avenger Ability: There is a new Avenger ability called ‘Holy Reprisal’. This is an automatic passive skill like weapon skills or fast healing which means that you don’t have to cast it as a spellup. You do still have to practice it for it to start working. This skill will give you a damage bonus against any player or mob that initiates combat directly against you. This skill is not like revenge – when the fight stops the list of attackers is cleared. The main point of this skill was to give a damage bonus against aggressive mobs, the PK benefit is just a bonus. In terms of activating this skill, it does not trigger if the attacker has revenge against you or when the Safeguard skill is used to rescue someone. If someone attacks a group member present in the room at the time of the attack then you do get Holy Reprisal against them too. When a group member is attacked rather than the Avenger directly the reprisal is not as powerful, but still enough to punish them for attacking your group. Other Changes: The ‘Tortured Visions’ ability now has no lag when casting but has a small recovery on failure of one round of combat. This means that you can try (and retry) the spell without it affecting other combat abilities but can’t just spam it with zero lag. The base amount of intelligence it removed has also been increased slightly. The ‘info other’ channel has been removed as it was no longer needed. The double exp messages previously in there are now part of info global. The only other thing it was used for is remort / retier info which is now under classchange. The ‘levels’ info might have been more logical for that but I wanted it to be possible to get the info on ‘major’ levels such as remort and retier without having to keep on all the other level info spam. Added a few new builder lua prog commands on the test port over the last couple of weeks so check them out if you’re a builder. MUD News
Equipment Searching based on Compare Scores May 13, 2010 Building on the equipment scoring and compare options added recently, there is another new command called ‘eqsearch‘ that can be used to check if there are equipment upgrades available in open clan halls. Eqsearch works like compare, but is based on a flagged list of items in the game that… Read More
Blacksmith Subclass Changes, Hammerforge Skill. June 29, 2010 Blacksmith Subclass Changes: Quite a few changes were made to the blacksmith subclass in this update, details are below. The current ‘hammer’ combat skill has been renamed to ‘hammering blow’. The command for it is still ‘hammer’ though. There is a new weapon type ‘hammer’. It is blacksmith only and… Read More
Aardwolf MUD Update – 21st Sept 2009. September 22, 2009 New Area and Goal – Guardian’s Spyre of Knowledge: With thoughts of the Academy still fresh in your mind, you wonder what kind of challenges and adventures await. After rounding a bend in the road, a large field opens up. Rising out of the ground and climbing up through the… Read More