Global Quest Rewrite for Multiple Tracks Lasher, July 25, 2015July 25, 2015 Global Quest Rewrite: There are now multiple gquest cycles – the existing set of gquests that anyone can join, a cycle only for people who have won 10 gquests or less and a cycle for tier 0 only. It is quite possible (and likely) for gquests to overlap and, at any given point in time, there may be more than one gquest running you are eligible to join. You can only be in one global quest at a time but there is no problem with leaving one global quest for another. Keep in mind you cannot rejoin a global quest you have already quit. The biggest single change with this is in syntax – commands like ‘gq info’ will require you to give the global quest number if there is more than one gquest running. The ‘gq join’ option tries to be a little smarter in that if there is only one gquest running you are able to join it will join that one, otherwise it tells you there is more than one global quest running that you are able to join. Other Global Quest Changes: The global quest announcements will show which type of gquest is being declared. Each global quest group has a separate color. Standard gquests are in green, t0 only in magenta and < 10 wins in cyan. The ‘gquest ranges’ command will now show all 3 cycles. Added some spacing lines in there just to make it a little more readable. Using ‘gq history’ now shows the gquest number of that global quest. You can use the syntax ‘gquest history [number]’ to see the full history of that global quest. All the places you would expect such as gquest info and the final gquest note should show which gquest type a particular quest was. I removed the ‘started by’ line as they are all auto-generated now. ‘Gquest list’ will show the gquests currently running, which cycle they belong to and how many people are in the global quest. Gq info will only show the global quests you can join based on these new rules. I also removed the ‘use gquest info to see the targets’ line when a gquest first starts. The ‘Global’ Channel: The global quest channel has changed so much it gets it’s own list of changes: The ‘global’ channel is now a regular channel which means you can use socials, emotes, etc like any other channel. Each global quest has its own “thread” and its own history much like clan channels. You can see history of the channel for a gquest you are in using ‘global -h’. Once a global quest is over, you can see its channel history using ‘global -h [gquest number]’. You can now ‘colorset global [color]’ to set the channel of the main body of the global quest channel. Fixed up / cleaned up some things in existing gquest code: It should be impossible for the same mob to be in more than one global quest at the same time. If you kill a mob in a global quest while the global quest is in preparation phase you will trigger the faster repop. This is new, in the old version a fast repop wouldn’t trigger until the gquest actually started. Things like hunt and summon will still work until the gquest actually starts, otherwise this would be a super-easy way to find the targets before the gquest begins. MUD News
Aardwolf Marketplace – Proxy Bidding / Auction Buyouts January 24, 2013 Two major enhancements were added to the Aardwolf marketplace today: Auction buyout amounts: The ability to set a buyout price when listing an item. To set a buyout amount on an item, use the syntax: ‘market sell [item] [type] buyout [buyout amount]’ For example: market sell sword gold buyout 5000000… Read More
Hammerswing, new goals, metarank, faster spellups. September 17, 2014 Blacksmith Skill – Hammerswing: There is a new Blacksmith ability called Hammerswing that will attack like an area attack then automatically hit each target the Blacksmith is fighting each round of combat. The hits are considered a skill rather than melee hits so most dodges do not apply. Damage on… Read More
Aardwolf MUD changes – November 22nd 2009. November 22, 2009 PKOff command: There is a new command called ‘pkoff’. You can use this to turn on and off your own ability to PK other players. It does NOT stop other players from attacking you. It does NOT remove you from the PK system. The only two scenarios that ignore this… Read More