T9 Redo, Skill Changes, Who Redo, other Lasher, May 3, 2015 Wasn’t planning to reboot this weekend but will probably not be available next weekend and I wanted to get the T9 TNL change live in particular. We’re about to open up the ‘test raid’ changes on the test port so testers keep a look out for that note. The t9 redo experience per level is now capped at 3000 per level. I did this mostly to help with the trains-per-hour and just to keep things moving more quickly. Might have to reduce / rethink how SH double works at t9 but let’s see how it goes for now. The skills practiced change for t9s added last reboot has been changed. This was never meant to be a t9 perk in terms of another advantage over none-t9s. It was meant to help with constantly having to repractice skills after remort which is a boring part of the mud that impacts t9 redos more than anyone else because they remort so often. Instead of staying at 100%, skills and spells higher than 85% will be reset to 85%, or 95% if you have the Scholar wish. This change now applies to ALL remorts at any tier. Re-practicing everything after a remort is just a pain all round so this will help everyone. You still start over at retier and classchange. The bug related to this with newly acquired skills starting at 0% rather than 1% is now also fixed. Should start at 1%. The Scholar wish is now 8000qp – it was previouly 7,000. There is now a ‘who redo’ option. The ‘redo’ is considered over once someone reaches level 201 7 remorts. Interacting with a shopkeeper no longer checks visibility, so no more “I don’t trade with folks I can’t see”. To remove a friend you now need to use the syntax ‘friend remove [player]’ rather than just ‘friend player’. Change made because it was too easy to accidentally unfriend someone. The warrior skills Assault, Uppercut, Headbutt, Gouge and Stomp are now ‘nofail’ and have a small bonus per tier on damage. Nofail means that the skills never fail to try to do damage and the damage is based on your percentage practiced. It also means that failure on some of these skills that gave a damage penalty are gone. It does *not* not mean that special effects such as the daze on headbutt are 100%, those are still stat based. Room descriptions are now sent prefix with @w. Shouldn’t impact anyone who doesn’t already know why – related to the GMCP change last reboot and some color bleeding client side. MUD News
Aardwolf MUD – Grouping Rewrite October 26, 2010 This article contains the details of a new grouping system being added to Aardwolf MUD. While the older simple version of grouping does still exist, this new version allows groups to be named and (optionally) visible to everyone, track experience and kills, will support group information being added to GMCP… Read More
Imagi’s Nation Area, Other Code Changes. August 23, 2015 New Area and Goal – Imagi’s Nation: The Imagi family has been an Andolor residence for decades, never creating a stir or drawing any attention to themselves. This is about to change. They are a loving family, consisting of the Father, Firgovi, the mother, Tolsirle, two children and a family… Read More
New Area – Kiskadi Cove, other changes. May 28, 2013 New Area and Goal – Kiskadi Cove: Nestled in the coastal forests of the north there is a cove, once peaceful and thriving with life, that now festers with an unspeakable evil. All are held in its thrall, from the local tribal people to the animal and plant life of… Read More