Aardwolf MUD Update – 27th May 2009. Lasher, May 28, 2009 After a couple of months absence caused by a perfect storm of real life issues, things are moving again. Sorry it has been so long since the last upgrade, but we’re past that now. The main change in this reboot was some behind the scenes code to allow area keywords to be changed without having to shut down the mud for 30 minutes to run update scripts. As a result of that, the following areas/goals are now live: Conveted Area and Goal – Imperial Nation: The Star Wars area has been replaced with Imperial Nation. As this is a conversion of an existing area for copyright reasons rather than a new area or an area replacement, you should notice the following: Your explored in the area remains the same. Any items you had in Starwars will convert to the equivalent items in Imperial Nation. Any portals you had to Starwars should now go to the equivalent room in Imperial Nation. If you quit in starwars, or have a cp mob in it, they should have become the equivalent rooms/mobs in imperial nation. The information on the goal itself is: The Imperial Nation is ruled by Emperor Paliste. He maintains his rule with the help of the Seven and the creations of the Mad Scientist. Under his tyranical rule, pain and suffering have become a way of life . Now a rebellion has formed. Are you willing to help overthrow the Imperial Nation, and bring peace back to the lands? New Goal – Curse of the Midnight Fens: You stand before a great swamp, spreading out wide over the distance before you. Carefully continuing onward you venture into the darkest, most ominous section of the swamp. A sudden feeling of dread overcomes you, and a deep coldness surrounds you. A loud voice booms, ‘You cannot break the curse, these souls all belong to me!’ A heavy presence fills the air, a noise behind you! No! There in front of you! Beside you! You whirl to face the movement but nothing. ‘Muhahaha! You silly fool, you cannot defeat me! I am the blackness, the shadows, and nothing at all. Beg me for a quick death and join the other cursed beings in my domain!’ Drawing your sword you shout a vow to make this fiend bleed before your death. Laughter greets you, and two strange billowy forms confront you. One carries a strange blade of shadow while the other clasps its hands together, long claws showing. ‘Come, give in to your death and join us brother, the pain will not last…’ Swinging wildly, your blade meets nothing, a sharp blow caresses your head, and darkness comes swiftly. Various creatures of the fens have spread their tokens out amongst the others in the hopes of gathering help for their plight. Will you be the one to break the curse? New Goal – Amazon Nation: Long ago the Amazon nation was at war with the centaurs. The three greatest Amazons stood side by side in the battle. Solari wielded the time staff in combat at Queen Melosa’s side. By brandishing the artifact, Solari was able to stop time for a moment. Then Jules focused the power of the aqua mirror onto the attacking centaurs. The attack damaged the creatures, and Queen Melosa used the time to throw the pearl of wisdom high into the air. A searing white light filled the battlefield, and when it subsided, their enemies were gone; but so were the Amazon’s greatest artifacts. Years have passed and the artifacts remain missing. The Amazon nation still searches for these items to help their nation grow in strength. Will you help them recover their missing artifacts? MUD News
07/10 – MUD update – new goals, new wish, other changes. July 10, 2008 New Goals and Quests: There are new goals and tasks in the following areas: The Death Gate – Lumina Sirens Oasis Resort – Nikkei Pet Store – Tymme Gallows Hill – Domain Gilda and the Dragon – Citron Island of Lost Time – Citron Faerie Tales 1- Citron Each of… Read More
Myst and Death Gate Areas, Faster Spellups, New Wishes September 19, 2010 Area Changes: The ‘Death Gate’ area has been removed and replaced with the ‘The Partroxis’ area. The ‘Myst’ area has been removed as it was copyright related. The area got so little use it wasn’t worth replacing – better to remove and work on newer replacements. Game Changes: ‘Owned 7’… Read More
New Blindmode color codes, Automatic note formatting. February 17, 2024 New color codes to support VI / Blind users: There are some new color codes that support blindmode. Anything between @A and @E will not be shown to users with blindmode on. Anything between @F and @H will only be shown to users with blindmode on. These new codes will… Read More