Icefall Epic Area Lasher, May 30, 2015 New Epic – Icefall: Ages ago, a band of lizardfolk searched the abyssal oceans in search of the lost ruby of Orbury. Treacherous storms dismantled their transportation, sending two to drown and the rest to fend for themselves in a dark ocean with a brimming volcano far in the distance. Weeks later, a tiny tree began to sprout from the ground, and from that a gigantic mountain jutted toward the heavens, into the mysterious sky above. Ivory lightning bolts lit the sky as an undiscovered civilization was about to be born. Several years later, this primitive but rapidly growing land would be known as Icefall. Recently, the living mystery known as Orbury has discovered the land of Icefall, the very area created after a failed expedition for his ruby. Orbury is determined to know what powers his ruby was rumored to harness. Without a group of experienced adventurers, Orbury cannot hope to unravel the mystery of Icefall which has been taken over by a mysterious entity. Brave the three trials and confront the source of Icefall’s mystification. Level Range : Level 200-201 Goal Difficulty : Extremely difficult (Epic) Goal Recommended at : Groups of 15, 30, or 50 players maximum Goal Converter : Yowza Area Author : Yowza Note: This is a very high level area that requires a large group of powerful characters to complete. This area is a morgue area- unclanned/outcast players dying in this area will suffer usual death penalties but will wake in the Aylorian Hospital with all of their equipment. Global Quest and Other Changes: There have been a lot of behind the scenes changes in global quests to support some upcoming new features. Everything should work generally the same and our main concern with now is making sure that gquest works normally as-is. There are a few differences though, these are listed below: Global quest IDs will not loop at 99999 rather than letting them go to 7 digits. Just makes it easier to type their IDs, which will be more necessary with some upcoming changes. You can no longer see gquest info after the gquest is over. This is temporary, when this is all finished you’ll be able to see the full info for any of the (up to) 100 items in gquest history. When you quit a global quest you no longer lose the qp gained so far but you will not be able to re-join it. Being able to quit and re-join a GQ was the only reason for the qp loss originally so I removed that penalty. You can no longer quit and relog during a global quest. Doing so will be considered a gquest quit – you will not be ableto rejoin. There is a warning when you ‘quit’ while in a global quest. The global quest ‘info’ messages should now all show the global quest number. Main purpose of this reboot was to get Icefall in and to put the foundations in for the new global quest code, but a few other minor changes did also make it live: When a campaign rewards practices, the amount has been increased. Amount of gold given on a campaign has also been increased at all levels. When you gain skills and spells as a remort the display will now show what your practiced amount is and show green if you have the skill/spell maxxed, red if not, and show ‘Ignored’ if needed. (Veswar). When determining if you have the skill max practiced or not, the Scholar wish is taken into account. Using ‘instinct’ and ‘instinct learned’ will now show N/A next to the costs when you already have max instinct. The syntax ‘practice [skill/spell] all’ now works in addition to using ‘full’. Just a little consistency change. MUD News
Tumaris Diner, Damage Changes, Aarchaeology Game August 17, 2013 New Area and Goal – Tumari’s Diner: A new diner has opened up in the world of Andolor, Tumari’s Diner! This large eatery has something for almost everyone. It features a huge dining area for any size family, a lounge for tired workers to grab a beverage after work, and… Read More
New areas, other changes July 15th 2023. July 15, 2023July 15, 2023 We have quite a few other changes in today’s update, details below: New Area and Goal: Svrogan’s Logging Camp: After years at sea, with now tatterred sails and dwindling stores, the call from atop the main mast comes as a shock: “Land ahoy!”. Captain Svrogan and his crew have been… Read More
Precision and Battle Learning Skills, Warrior Updates October 12, 2014 New Soldier Skill – Precision: A well practiced soldier can focus on the precision of their attacks to the point that some of their strikes will be impossible to dodge while they are affected by precision. The duration of the precision effect is based on dex and str. The skill… Read More