Instinct rebuild, note reset, other changes. Lasher, August 24, 2012 Instinct Rebuild Option: There is now a mechanism in place to rebuild instinct in either a single skill or all at once. The cost is 2% of the trains / gold put into the skill but there is a max charge of 5000 trains / 50m gold when using the ‘all’ option. The gold and trains that are returned are considered ‘deposited’ for instinct and not available for anything else. New instinct options that go with this change are: instinct totals : Shows a list of skills and totals spent. instinct check : Shows overall total trains / gold spent and rebuild costs for all skills. instinct check [skill] : Shows total trains / gold spent for a single skill. instinct rebuild all : Redo instinct in all skills at once. instinct rebuild [skill] : Redo instinct in a single skill. Note that the last 2 options also require the ‘confirm’ option to be used. Example of Instinct check for a single skill or spell Example of Instinct check for all skills and spells. Other changes in this reboot: Using ‘note reset’ with no argument will reset to the last note you read. At that point the “last note you read” is the one before it so using ‘note reset’ repeatedly will move your note pointer back one note each time. The note reset pointer is unique to each forum. You will now receive a message if you are online when someone adds or removes you from their ignore list. There is a new wear location called ‘readied’ that will be used as a convenience location with ranged combat. Stats on items in this wear location are not allowed and they cannot be enchanted. If you find other ways to get stats on the items, the wear code will not apply the stats anyway. Nothing you can actually do with this yet, but when you do see it you’ll know what it is. Capitalized the ‘is using’ line when you look at a mob. The ‘charges into the room in a frenzy!’ message from the ‘charge’ skill will now show through ‘groupspam’. Removed the invalid ‘not enough movement points’ error on Quickstab. As the skill does not cost any moves this should not have been there. ‘Buy tickets’ will now be considered the same as ‘buy ticket’ in the lottery room. This means the technically incorrect ‘buy tickets’ when you only want one does work. I am not coding a special case just to fix that minor issue. MUD News
Hammerswing, new goals, metarank, faster spellups. September 17, 2014 Blacksmith Skill – Hammerswing: There is a new Blacksmith ability called Hammerswing that will attack like an area attack then automatically hit each target the Blacksmith is fighting each round of combat. The hits are considered a skill rather than melee hits so most dodges do not apply. Damage on… Read More
An Auspicious Star’s Zenith area and new goal in Sanctity of Eternal Damnation. February 17, 2024 New Superhero Area – An Auspicious Star’s Zenith: Note: You can only enter this area if you have less than 25,000 powerups total. Innocent souls have been ensnared within this mystical realm by mischievous faeries. Trapped within the bodies of birds, their untapped potentials are being held captive by the… Read More
New Skills/Spells for Witch and Blacksmith classes January 27, 2010 Blacksmith Skill- Tempering: A skilled blacksmith can use raw materials at a forge to temporarily increase the abilities of any metal-based weapon. The results of tempering a weapon will depend on the skill of the blacksmith, the quality of the weapon and the ore used. Only the most skilled blacksmith… Read More