Knife Fighting, Clan Guard Changes, Second/Third Attack, Others Lasher, May 14, 2011 Knife Fighting – New Thief Ability: Over time, thieves can become so skilled with their daggers that they are able to execute two attacks in the time it would take others to strike a single time. There is no syntax to this skill – it happens automatically. The primary weapon must be a dagger for knife fighting to work and the rate at which the extra attack will occur is determined by dexterity. Increasing instinct in knife fighting adds the potential for a second bonus attack. There is no output message when knife fighting kicks in, but you can see the total so far in ‘dtrack hits’. Other changes in this reboot: A number of other bug fixes and changes were installed today: It now takes slightly more dex to get the same number of third attack hits as you had before this update. There is no longer a (reachable) cap on how much dex will aid third attack, so players with very high dex will see third attack fire more often. The second part of this change, the increased max effect dex can have, has also been made to fourth attack. There is a new ‘page’ option for bigmap. Using ‘bigmap page’ will page bigmap based on existing page settings. If you want to make this your default just use ‘alias bigmap bigmap page’. When using random on a channel that has curse enabled, such as your private channels, you will now only select a ‘curse’ social if you also have nocurse off on your config. The $ variables for ‘him’,’her’, possessive version of player ‘$o’ etc can now be used in all clan messages. If you have a ‘their’ in your clan message where it makes more sense to be his/hers or him/her, we will change these for you automatically free of charge. The timestamp has been removed from tell info sent via GMCP. This makes it more consistent with other channels and will remove the duplicate timestamps when viewed in the Aard Mushclient. Clanguard stats have been increased – hp by around 40% plus a slight boost in hitroll and damroll. GMCP base data now includes remorts. GMCP quest message sent at quest complete will now also include the time until the next quest. The ‘count’ command will now only show people actually playing the game (not linkdead), making it more consistent with the login page and the numbers in ‘online’. Made an improvement to ‘sharp’ flag. It’s not a huge bonus, was never meant to be, but should be more noticeable now. A single point of instinct in second attack and third attack was not working correctly, now fixed. Pray no longer has a visibility check. ‘lbid filter showcase’ should now be working correctly. MUD News
OPK (Open PK) and other changes October 24, 2016 Open PK (OPK) feature added to Aardwolf: There is a new feature called ‘OPK’ which is an abbreviation of ‘open PK’. A player can flag ‘OPK’ at any time but, once set, cannot be removed for at least 3 days or until you remort. When the flag is manually removed,… Read More
Aardwolf MUD Update – Feb 3rd 2009 February 3, 2009 New Goal – Canyon Memorial Hospital A cold icy trail has been packed into the deep snow through the mountains. Passing through the deep mountains. On your way there you notice odd folk who seem to not belong in this cold frigid wasteland. Passing by the many on the path… Read More
The Uprising Area, skills and spells changes, more. August 10, 2014 The Uprising – New Level 120 to 160 Area and Goal: There is a city of dark elves that exists deep underground. For centuries, this city has been ruled by the female dark elves, and generally left alone by explorers, since dark elves are famous for their lack of kind… Read More