Aardwolf Mushclient – r397 Lasher, April 3, 2011April 3, 2011 A new release of the Aardwolf Mushclient package has been uploaded to the website. Major changes in this release are: Xterm 256 color support. Players can now reliably replace movement between connected rooms (like opening doors) with custom exits in the gmcp mapper. Cleaned up gmcp mapper help. Added some new commands to the gmcp mapper. Mapper purgezone shouldn’t require quitting and restarting mushclient anymore. Mapper pathfinding status message now indicates the progress of the search better. Added the ability to not capture mob speech to the channel capture window. Added tick marks at good/neutral/evil alignment boundaries in the health bars plugin. You can now select arbitrary text inside the channel capture window and then copy with the right-click menu, instead of clicking on whole individual messages. Purging all custom exits and portal exits from the gmcp mapper now requires confirmation. Fixed a bug in channel capture that missed lines with hidden garbage or fake color codes. Fixed a bug in the gmcp mapper preventing finding rooms with oddly colored names. Fixed a bug in the gmcp mapper that blocked sending two identical custom exit commands in a row. Fixed an error on saving rooms when using the gmcp mapper without a pre-initialized database. Added manual mapper database backup command with zip compressed rotating backup storage. Added rolling automatic backups of the gmcp mapper database files. If left on and running forever, the rollover schedule approximately follows the pattern: today, yesterday, last week, last month, 3 months ago. Various other bug fixes and changes. The entire list of changes is available on the Aardwolf Mushclient Code Page. MUD News
Ocean Park, Infamy, New Commands, T9 changes April 19, 2015 New Area and Goal – Ocean Adventure Park: Andolor’s Ocean Adventure Park is the perfect place to spend a day of fun in the sun with the entire family! Whitewater kayaking, dragon tours, and daily stage performances are just a few of the fun events you might enjoy while visiting… Read More
New Quests – Killing Fields, Blighted Tundra and Kimr’s Farm August 24, 2010 Area Replacement and Goal – Kimr’s Farm: The once peaceful and vibrant farm has a problem with the local wildlife, particularly the weeds and ants! Visit the owner, Kimr, to see how you may assist him. Level Range : 1 to 5 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at :… Read More
Tumaris Diner, Damage Changes, Aarchaeology Game August 17, 2013 New Area and Goal – Tumari’s Diner: A new diner has opened up in the world of Andolor, Tumari’s Diner! This large eatery has something for almost everyone. It features a huge dining area for any size family, a lounge for tired workers to grab a beverage after work, and… Read More