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Location: Home / Races / Giant


The Giants are an ancient and formidable race. Their immense stature and incredible physical strength make them formidable warriors and masters of melee combat. Even the hardiest foes can be momentarily stunned by the thunderous impacts of a Giant's weapon, leaving them vulnerable to subsequent attacks. So massive are their frames that Giants can easily block narrow passages preventing enemies from retreat.

While they excel in martial prowess, Giants are all but inept when it comes to the arcane arts. Magic is extremely difficult for them to master and they are highly vulnerable to magic. Giants possess less mana than the other races and what little they have regenerates at a slower pace.


  • Hits have a chance to stun.
  • Permanent Blockexit skill.
  • Bash Skill does more damage.

Starting Stats: 16 11 12 12 14 10
Training Mods: -1 +1 +1 0 -1 0

Positive training mods mean the stat is more expensive to train.
Negative training modifiers mean the stat is cheaper to train.

Resistances for the Giant race:

Bash : 25% Pierce : 15% Slash : 15%
Acid : -15% Air : -15% Cold : -15%
Disease : -15% Earth : -15% Energy : -15%
Fire : -15% Holy : -15% Light : -15%
Lightning : -15% Magic : -15% Mental : -25%
Negative : -15% Poison : -15% Shadow : -15%
Sonic : -20% Water : -15%